| Matt Facts: Matthew dislikes drinking cold drinks from coffee mugs. He also hates plastic forks. | | Did you Know? Toothpicks are overrated. | | Words of Inspiration: "You can tell a lot about a fellow by the way he eats Jelly Beans" – R.Regan | | Did you know? There are no Pez Facts. Pez is, in fact, not factual. | | Matt Facts: Matthew's fortune cookies always predict success. | | Words of Inspiration: When I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead - Barney Stinson | | Did you know? "Buf­falo buf­falo Buf­falo buf­falo buf­falo buf­falo Buf­falo buf­falo” is a gram­mat­i­cally valid sentence. | | Matt Facts: Matthew is best served on the rocks with a slice of lemon. | | Words of Inspiration: "Life is futile." | | Did you Know? Dinosaurs and Dandelions is the name of a popular blog that has been around since the 15 April 2010 | | Matt Facts: Unlike some people, Matthew only celebrates his birthday once a year. | | Words of Inspiration: "I'll be back" - The Terminator. | | Did you Know? The two modern breeds of Cocker Spaniel, American and English, are thought to have been descended from only two dogs? | | Matt Facts: On the second to last full moon of the year, Matthew develops an itch on his right shoulder. | | Words of Inspiration: “You can do it!” - Rob Schneider, in every Adam Sandler movie ever | | Did you know? Lettuce is often eaten raw. | | Words of Inspiration: "Science is always at work and never sleeps – just like Rust" | | Did you Know? When you dream, every­thing you see in that dream, you’ve seen before in real life. | | Matt Facts: Matthew officially endorses the Cadbury's Moro bar as being delicious | | Did You Know? A tadpole is also called a 'pollywog'. | | Matt Facts: Matthew has his own Facebook fan page. Creepy. | | Did You Know? Cats sleep for 70% of their lives. | | Words of Inspiration: "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it." - Gandalf. | | Did you Know? This is the end. The journey ends here. Then it starts all over again. |

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Connoisseur's Craftbeer Corner

Who doesn't like a good beer? Well, nobody. That's a fact. And what's better than a beer brewed in a microbrewery stuffed into someone's garden shed? Nothing, that's what. Craft beers just taste better.

The American Brewers Association defines a craft brewer as being  
  • small (producing less than 6 million barrels of beer a year), 
  • independent (no large brewing company owns more than 25% of the company), and 
  • traditional (mostly brews all malt beers).
So, with that definition in mind, welcome to our Connoisseur's Craftbeer Corner and let's get into our first craft beer.

Lion Red (Lion Nathan Breweries)

A larger style beer weighing in at 4.0%, Lion Nathan describes the beer as "a full-bodied malt flavoured beer, balanced with a pleasant hop bitterness". Originally known as Lion Beer, Lion Red was first brewed in 1907. An affordable brew, Liquor King lists this beer at $26.99 for a 15-pack.

Look 4/5
Lion Red is served in a stylish brown "stubby bottle" that holds a 330ml portion. The logo is a gold heraldry style lion standing in the rampant position. The red background and red bottle cap gives the beer its distinctive look.

Taste 1/5
Well, I tried, I really did. But no matter how much Lion Red I drank, I still couldn't taste anything.

Summary 2/5
Tastes like watery piss. One to avoid.