The American Brewers Association defines a craft brewer as being
- small (producing less than 6 million barrels of beer a year),
- independent (no large brewing company owns more than 25% of the company), and
- traditional (mostly brews all malt beers).
Lion Red (Lion Nathan Breweries)
A larger style beer weighing in at 4.0%, Lion Nathan describes the beer as "a full-bodied malt flavoured beer, balanced with a pleasant hop bitterness". Originally known as Lion Beer, Lion Red was first brewed in 1907. An affordable brew, Liquor King lists this beer at $26.99 for a 15-pack.
Look 4/5
Lion Red is served in a stylish brown "stubby bottle" that holds a 330ml portion. The logo is a gold heraldry style lion standing in the rampant position. The red background and red bottle cap gives the beer its distinctive look.
Taste 1/5
Well, I tried, I really did. But no matter how much Lion Red I drank, I still couldn't taste anything.
Summary 2/5
Tastes like watery piss. One to avoid.