After a week of toast, we thought you might be ready to try something new. So today we are going to try a classic 1950's Asian dish, Noodles.
Noodles (Serves One)
Noodles (instant)
[Handy Tip: If you shop around you can often find a handy "Noodles and Flavouring combo pack" - this saves time and money!]
1. Bring water to boil.
[Environmental tip: Boiling the water in a jug uses less power than bringing it to boil on the stove top - come on guys, save the world!]
2. Add noodles and water together in a pot on the stove and bring back to boil.
3. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for two minutes.
4. Add flavouring and drain.
[Save that delicious broth, we will use it again in another recipe]
5. Enjoy!